Room in the Inn


Join us in service with Room in the Inn

Room In the Inn is returning to St. Martin’s for 2023-24 with our parish hosting 10 neighbors who are experiencing homelessness every Tuesday night through Wednesday morning for 17 weeks in December, January, February, and March.

There are 12 different opportunities to serve each and every week. This ministry is a great example of the Body of Christ at work, with each bringing his/her talents to the table to help those experiencing homelessness have a hot dinner, a warm place to sleep, a hot breakfast, and a bag lunch to go with them.

The new sign-up board is ready so you can read about the various positions, with extra handouts on the back so you can take one home. Please stop by the board in the courtyard and ask how you can be a part of this vital ministry.

For more information, contact Tylee Kessler via email.