Everyone is welcome at St. Martin’s.


Summer at St. Martin’s:

Sundays (Mid-May thru Labor Day):

Holy Eucharist at 9:30am

(Nursery for Infants-PreK 9:15am - 11am)

Check out the many ways to Connect with each other over the Summer:

Youth Ministry

Children’s Ministry


Week at a Glance at St. Martin’s: Be With.

Summer Schedule beginning 5/19/23

9:30 am - Holy Eucharist in the Nave

9:15 - 11:00 am - Nursery for children ages Infant -PreK

5-7 pm EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) for 6th-12th grade

7:15 am - Thursday Sunrise Bible Study meeting on Zoom


Sermons and Podcasts

We encourage you to connect with the people of St. Martin’s in person — within our walls or out in our community — but our archive of sermons and podcasts is also available online, publicly for all, whatever your situation, and updated weekly. Subscribe on Anchor, Apple, or Spotify, or just run the audio for our latest sermon/formation episode right here.


What We Believe as Episcopalians

God is love, and God’s very being is a trinity of loving relationship: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Christ, God invites us to share that love; wherever there is pain or alienation, God longs to knit all people and creation back into wholeness and relationship.

As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, and followers of Jesus’ Way, we seek to live like him. We’re serious about moving out to grow loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with God (evangelism); to grow those relationships with each other (reconciliation); and to grow those relationships with all of creation (creation care).

In this video, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites you to join The Jesus Movement.

Find more at the Episcopal Church website, here.