Worship at Saint Martin’s


Worship and music are "what we do" when we gather on Sundays to offer our thanks and praise to God. Our worship comes out of our Anglican heritage and The Book of Common Prayer, with prayers, readings from the Bible, sermon, creeds, prayers of the people, and confession. Holy Communion is always a part of our Sunday worship and, regardless of denomination, all who are baptized are welcome to receive the Bread and the Wine.

Music and singing are central to our worship. The choir sings, but the congregation also sings. We sing hymns, songs, psalms, and canticles. We use different hymnals that include traditional and contemporary music. To sing is to pray twice.

Please take a look at the following links to help you get a sense of our worship, including the Book of Common Prayer, the Lectionary, and the Daily Office.

The Book of Common Prayer
The Lectionary (our lessons and collects for worship)
The Daily Office