Adult Choir


“When You Sing, You Pray Twice”

...said St. Augustine (and our own Director of Music Ministries, Budd Kirby.)

The St. Martin’s Adult Choir leads parishioners in the weekly worship of God through music and Anglican liturgy, providing music for special services and feast days beyond the Sunday morning schedule such as Advent Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and the Great Vigil of Easter concluding with both services on The Day of Resurrection.

The choir is occasionally invited to sing for Weddings and the Burial Office. A special highlight is the offering of Choral Evensong on a regular basis in concert with the Adult Choirs of The Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter and St. John’s Episcopal Church. The Choir and our services of worship are regularly accompanied by our fine 1992 Goulding and Wood, 43 rank pipe organ, as well as our Boston Grand piano and guest instrumentalists.

United with St. Martin’s Rector and the Director of Music Ministries, the St. Martin’s Adult Choir’s mission is to lead the congregation with beautiful and inspiring music. The choir is a warm, friendly, and welcoming community. By regularly meeting for social gatherings away from rehearsals, supporting each other during times of unusual stress, and attending an annual away retreat, we strengthen our bonds of friendship and spiritual community.

All current and former adult choir members of St. Martin’s Adult Choir are invited to return to the choir “loft” for the start of the new choir year this fall. An invitation is also extended to anyone who loves to sing to consider offering your time and talent to God through the choir. We have a dedicated group of choir members who will heartily welcome you as we gather to learn music and work to lead our congregation through song during our Sunday and special liturgies.

The St. Martin’s Adult Choir will rehearse on Thursday nights at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please reach out to Budd after any of the services or call him on his cell, 704-756-2903, if you have any questions about joining our music ministry.