Why We Don’t Livestream


A Theologically-Informed Policy on Technology

Why we don’t Livestream our services post-COVID lockdowns

  • We believe that Jesus is the marriage between the world and God, the material and the spiritual. In Jesus, we learn that physicality is of utmost importance.

  • The technology that we use is a gift but also carries with it many unhelpful consequences. While we are able to connect over all distances immediately and on-demand, the very same tools have added to isolation, polarization, and a flattening of our social landscape.

  • We believe that we are called to be in three-dimensional, high-definition space together, in person. This is what Jesus called into being when he gave us a meal to gather around rather than a set of rules. We are transformed by sharing space together.

  • Some people, for many legitimate reasons, choose not to or cannot gather together with the Church. For them, we have an ancient technology that has served the church from time out of mind: the pastoral visit.

    • If you are not able to join us, we strongly encourage you to arrange a visit with one of our clergy. Email Father Josh or Mother Justi to find a time to talk, or as always, with any concerns or questions you might have.